Write Away!

Friday, August 19, 2005


I'm leaving very late tonight for a wonderful week away with my fiance. The only writing that will be done is in the book of love ;-)

Take care till I return.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Don't feel much like blogging today, but wanted to tell you I'm at 677 for today.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

109 Words Today

I know, I know, I only did the bare minimum, but for my phsyical state, I'm pretty impressed. I'm sick and sore and achy and want to just nap. And that's what I'm going to do in T-30 minutes!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Word Count 571

Day three of the century challenge and I think I'm doing okay. I struggled a little, but forced myself to keep writing when I wanted to stop at word 67. What's especially hard for me is that I keep wanting to send out what I have to my critique partners/friends for their feedback, but I know that I need to just stay focused and finish it and THEN send it out for input. Otherwise, I'll start second guessing and reworking the first pages instead of finishing them all.

I'm going to suck up the money loss and sign up for NJRW. Hopefully I can get someone to go with or make friends there!

I really feel a renewed interest in my writing career and have been networking/volunteering like crazy. I'm also pushing my online workshops. I think soon I'll need to back out of other commitments to make up for writing ones. But I'm excited about writing again, and that's good.


Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Day two of my Century Club journey produced 695 words. And I actually opened the document up and started working RIGHT AFTER I OPENED IT! Woohoo!!!! I definitely could have done more (that was probably only a half hour of work), and I did reply to an email or two, and look at some other things during that "writing time", but I'm happy that I'm producing.

I need to maintain my discipline, and increase it...

Pre-writing Workout

Yesterday I added two pages. I'm trying to join the "Century Club" -- 100 words a day for a hundred days. So far I'm overshooting, hehe.

But the point of my post is this. I set aside two hours for writing yesterday. I wrote for about 15 minutes, if that. I can't just sit down and write. I need to go through at LEAST an hour of warm-ups before I start. And by this I mean, checking my email, checking the web for writing related things, rereading my story to that point, thinking about my story, writing in my blog, reading others' blogs, etc. This need for a pre-writing stretch is really taking it's toll on my writing time.

Yesterday, for example, I had to first create character sheets (which I already filled out for WTW, just can't currently find them), print them out and find a nice folder to put them in. I printed out five sets. Then I also had to reformat this and email it to my google account. I couldn't write without first doing this. And it's not like I filled out the character sheets. Nope, just printed and stapled.

I blame society on this waste of writing time. Since I entered my first gym class I was told of the importance of stretching before exercising your muscles. So now, I can't exercise my mind without first "stretching". Although, now I've heard that stretching after a workout is more important. Egads, what will I do now?!


Day two of my Century Club journey produced 695 words. And I actually opened the document up and started working RIGHT AFTER I OPENED IT! Woohoo!!!! I definitely could have done more (that was probably only a half hour of work), and I did reply to an email or two, and look at some other things during that "writing time", but I'm happy that I'm producing.

I need to maintain my discipline, and increase it...

Monday, August 08, 2005

Web Site

I've had a website (www.nataliewolfe.com) for going on two years now. Originally, my friend Newnam from college set everything up for me. And by that I mean he put up a website as he thought would best display me -- hehe. So, it's not the site I want to use, but a site nonetheless. I want to increase my web presence, most notably to add exposure for my writing classes, so I've been shopping around for website designers. The prices I'm getting back range from $70.00 to $450.00. I had originally planned to design it myself, but got scared. The fiance said that paying for the design is a waste of money, and I'm inclined to agree. So, in the near future I'll be attempting to master my frontpage (something which I surprisingly forgot how to do since I had a class in it in college) and use his help to get my site active.

Stay tuned!

Friday, August 05, 2005

Four pages!

Woohoo. I got out of my procrastinating shell and spit up four pages. Not too good, but not too bad for a half hour of work. The first part's always easier than the rest, but I'm happy for now. Will try and write more later. Will try.

Off to shop now!


Does anyone else's job/life get in the way of their writing? Mine sure does. I was telling a critique partner how if I didn't have a job I'd be very prolific. She said I'd procrastinate even more. I don't think so.

I want to start WTW today (won't give you the title, in case you try and steal it!), but I'm feeling very unmotivated. What I really want to do today is jet to visit the fiance and have some fun with him (good, clean fun, you perv!), but that's not going to work out I don't think. *Sigh* Maybe I'll procrastinate by shopping...

Or maybe, just maybe I'll work on WTW.

Wish me luck!


Thursday, August 04, 2005

How many times can I type write instead of right, do you think? 800 billion? I'll try. And I'll start write now, hahahahahah.

Anyway, I've decided that all great authors have a blog devoted to their writing (I almost just spelled that righting) and the industry. So, I will have one in the hopes that some of that mojo will rub off on me.

I'm going to try and keep this blog updated as a motivation to publication.

Check back often. Seriously.

PS -- That's my first back flap photo!