Pre-writing Workout
Yesterday I added two pages. I'm trying to join the "Century Club" -- 100 words a day for a hundred days. So far I'm overshooting, hehe.
But the point of my post is this. I set aside two hours for writing yesterday. I wrote for about 15 minutes, if that. I can't just sit down and write. I need to go through at LEAST an hour of warm-ups before I start. And by this I mean, checking my email, checking the web for writing related things, rereading my story to that point, thinking about my story, writing in my blog, reading others' blogs, etc. This need for a pre-writing stretch is really taking it's toll on my writing time.
Yesterday, for example, I had to first create character sheets (which I already filled out for WTW, just can't currently find them), print them out and find a nice folder to put them in. I printed out five sets. Then I also had to reformat this and email it to my google account. I couldn't write without first doing this. And it's not like I filled out the character sheets. Nope, just printed and stapled.
I blame society on this waste of writing time. Since I entered my first gym class I was told of the importance of stretching before exercising your muscles. So now, I can't exercise my mind without first "stretching". Although, now I've heard that stretching after a workout is more important. Egads, what will I do now?!
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